Precious Memories…In an Ornament

Happy Holidays, Pinners!

I am loving how many Pinterest projects I have been able to work on over the past few weeks.  This Pinterest win comes from my board, My Favorite Little Man!  I have an almost 20 month old son, who has completely stolen my heart!  I absolutely love being a mom to a little boy!  There is just somethings so special about this bond.  In his 20 months he has taught me so much about life and adventure!  He brightens our day and keeps us on our toes for sure.

I found this amazing ornament idea scrolling through Pinterest when I was pregnant.  I never got around to making this ornament last year, but I am so glad I was able to get it done this year!  Here is the original pin.  The ornament has the hospital baby hat and the hospital bracelets.

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Here is my version of the ornament.  I included his baby hat, his hospital bracelet, and my hospital bracelet.  When I was pregnant, I made our son a baby blanket.  I used my leftover yarn to make the bow on top of the ornament.  I am a bit sentimental…this has to be one of my favorite ornaments on our tree.

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Trimming the Tree

Happy Holidays, Pinners!

One of my favorite holiday traditions is picking out our Christmas tree on the Friday after Thanksgiving.  This year, we were able to include both our our sets of parents in the hunt for the perfect Christmas tree in our first home.  It took two tree farms, but we finally found it!  It was a beautiful winter day in Iowa, just a little snow on the ground and it was in the mid-40s.  Our son also was able to use is brand new sled for the first time.

My post today, is all about my fabulous tree skirt.  I have seen dozens of tree skirts on Pinterest, but every single one that I had pinned to my All Things Holidays! board were ruffled with burlap and fabric.  When I went on Etsy to order one, I found that they were very, very expensive.  I am in no way good at sewing, but thankfully, my aunt is amazing.  I emailed her a picture of my pinned tree skirt that would be absolutely perfect.  Screen Shot 2014-11-30 at 8.54.07 PM

Within four or five days, my new tree skirt was at my door stop from The Windy City.  When I opened the box, I couldn’t believe my eyes.  It was everything I wanted, from the fabric, to the hemmed burlap, to the ribbon closures.  IT IS PERFECT!  It was the finishing touch to my gorgeous first tree!  Here is a Pinterest win, that we were able to make happen because of my incredibly talented aunt.


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It’s Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas

Happy Holidays, Pinners!

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday full of wonderful food and time with those you love.  Our holiday weekend was spent with family and friends and combining our two family’s holiday traditions for the first time.  We had my husband’s great-grandmother’s homemade cranberry sauce and the traditional green bean casserole, along with the day after turkey and noodles.  From my side, Christmas music began to fill our house, the Christmas tree was selected and the house decorating began on Friday, while my son and my mother made Christmas cookies for the first time together.  It was a deeply touching week to watch our families merge and celebrate together.

It is also touched with a tinge of sadness.  This will be my family’s first Christmas without our Grandma Great.  As, I decorated my house and my mom decorated her house, Grandma’s memories flooded our homes.  She gave us all so many wonderful memories and ornaments for our tree to go with them.  And then a Facebook post that I will forever be grateful for, a chance to hear her voice again.  My cousin posted a video of Grandma Great reading a recorded Hallmark book!

I love decorating for the holidays, so there will be many holiday posts in the upcoming days.  Christmas is full of so many traditions for our family that have been passed down from our family’s and we are now passing them down to our son.

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A Little Humor…

Hello Fellow Pinners-

This week we hosted our first Thanksgiving in our new house.  In order to get ready for the occasion, I wanted to find creative ways to decorate above my cabinets.  When I came across this pin, I must say that I chuckled to myself, showed my husband, and then debated whether or not to actually put it in my kitchen.

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After the debate and my husband’s push, I decided to got for it.  I really do love how this print turned out.  I found this burlap background on Google, then found a great font, that would be easily read from a distance.  I decided not to hunt down antique spoons, for one reason.  That reason is this…the spoons I used are spoons that my husband and I received as a wedding gift from my Grandma Great.  I wanted a little piece of her sassiness in my kitchen, since she passed away last March.  As of right now, this is my favorite decoration in our kitchen.  It either makes people laugh or they give you a funny look and say nothing.  I am not sure which one is better.  Here is our Pinterest WIN!



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